Hey there, beautiful souls! It’s Jules here, and I am beyond excited to share my story with all of you. If you’ve stumbled upon my little corner of the internet, welcome to Estie Co., a place where skin wellness and empowerment are the guiding stars.

The Beginnings

Four years ago, I embarked on an incredible journey as a licensed esthetician. Back then, I was certain that my path lay in the realm of lash extensions. Little did I know that life had some unexpected twists and turns in store for me.

A Silver Lining in Lockdown

During the Covid lockdown, I channeled my lash extension expertise into crafting “Designer Lashes” for my clients, a silver lining amidst the challenging times. Once the lockdowns lifted, I began taking lash extension clients. That’s when life decided to throw me a curveball.

Facing Challenges

I had to face not one, but two hurdles: skin cancer and acne. The former was fortunately treated through a Mohs procedure, and my nose healed beautifully. From that day on, my heart was set on spreading awareness about the significance of sunscreen in protecting our precious skin.

Finding Blessings in Acne

Acne, on the other hand, became a blessing in disguise. While I longed for flawless skin, experiencing the physical discomfort and emotional turmoil that acne brings allowed me to connect more deeply with my clients who struggled with their skin. Empathy became a driving force, and my mission expanded beyond just skincare.

Our Vision at Estie Co.

Today, at Estie Co., I am fueled by two main goals: to encourage skin wellness and to empower my clients to feel comfortable in their own skin. My spa is a haven where self-love and self-care intertwine, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to be a part of my client’s journeys.

Pillars of Estie Co.: Empowering clients, promoting skin wellness, and embodying a lifelong student mindset.

Embracing Growth

As an esthetician, I believe in lifelong learning. The more I educate myself, the more innovative and informed I become in my treatment room. My clients deserve nothing but the best, and I am dedicated to providing them with exceptional care and support.

Beyond Skincare

Beyond the world of skincare, I love to indulge in the joys of life. From diving into the captivating world of books (currently getting lost in the Throne of Glass series – an absolute gem!) to spending quality time with my adorable fur baby, Jyn, life is a beautiful blend of passion and simplicity.

Movies, workouts, and, of course, my cherished skincare routine are some of the ways I unwind and recharge. It’s essential to take care of ourselves so that we can better care for others.

Sharing a joyful moment with my adorable fur baby, Jyn. Life's blend of passion and simplicity shines bright.

Join Our Journey

So, if you’re here with me on this adventure, thank you for joining me on this empowering journey. Estie Co. is not just a business; it’s a community built on love, compassion, and the shared pursuit of embracing our true selves.

A Promise of Growth

As I continue to grow, evolve, and learn, I promise to bring you along every step of the way. Together, let’s celebrate the beauty of life and the beauty that resides within each and every one of us. Because when we feel good about ourselves, there’s no limit to what we can achieve!

Until next time, lovelies. Stay radiant and embrace your glow!

With love and gratitude,

Jules ❤️

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