As someone who suffers from acneic skin, I’ve seen firsthand the frustration that comes with dealing with acne. It’s a stubborn condition that affects up to 50 million Americans a year, and over-the-counter products often fall short of providing the desired results. That’s why I want to share with you why visiting an esthetician should be your first choice when it comes to getting clearer skin.

Now, I know you may be thinking, “Why not just go to a dermatologist?” And I hear you. But here’s the thing: Estheticians offer a unique perspective and treatment options that can make all the difference in achieving the clear and healthy skin you want.

Estheticians vs. Dermatologists

Estheticians and dermatologists have different levels of expertise and training. Estheticians are skincare experts who specialize in cosmetic treatments and therapies. We start with a consultation to figure out your concerns, and then we build a plan to treat those concerns using enzymes, chemical peels, and specific skin-related modalities. Dermatologists, on the other hand, are medical professionals who specialize in treating various skin conditions and diseases. Dermatologists often turn to oral medications to treat acne, but these are just a bandaid and not a real solution.

Why Visit an Esthetician

Estheticians can offer valuable insights into your unique skincare needs and provide personalized recommendations that can improve the appearance of acne. When your skin fails to respond to over-the-counter treatments, an esthetician can provide specialized skincare treatments that can unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and prevent future breakouts. So, why visit an esthetician for acne treatment? Here are a few reasons:

Personalized Recommendations

When you see an esthetician, we take the time to evaluate your skin and recommend a customized skincare routine tailored to your specific needs. We can recommend products that work best for your skin type and lifestyle, helping to minimize breakouts and improve the overall health of your skin. It’s like having a personal skin coach in your corner!

Specialized Treatment

Estheticians offer various specialized treatments that can help improve the appearance of acne and other skin concerns. We use chemical peels, high-frequency, blue light therapy, and more to treat our clients’ acne. Once we get our clients clear, we can begin to treat their post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and erythema as well as any scarring that may have occurred prior to beginning treatment.

Some acne treatments can be harsh and cause dryness or irritation, which can make acne worse. By providing personalized recommendations, skincare professionals can help prevent these negative side effects and ensure that you are using products that are most effective for your specific skin concerns.


Using over-the-counter products and treatments that are not tailored to your specific skin concerns can be a waste of time and money. With pharmaceutical-grade product recommendations, skincare professionals can help ensure that you are using products that will actually make changes in the skin.

For example, an esthetician may recommend a specific product that would be great for someone with oily skin but would be horrible for someone with dry skin. This is where our expertise comes in. It’s our job to make educated recommendations for our clients based on their individual skin concerns.

Holistic Treatment Options

Estheticians look at acne from a macro AND a microlens. We know that acne is a genetic disease that can’t be cured, only managed. We also know that there are a ton of tips that clients can implement in their everyday lives that will help decrease their risk of breaking out. We know that lifestyle factors like nutrition, stress, and sleep patterns can impact your skin health, so we provide guidance on these areas as well.


Acne treatment from an esthetician is often more affordable than a dermatologist or OTC products. Many times, the products we get from Sephora or Ulta are expensive and they don’t work as well as professional products. This means you end up spending more money for less than stellar results.

Now, I get it. It can be overwhelming to know where to start when it comes to finding an esthetician. That’s why I want to share with you a couple of product lines we offer at Estie Co that we’re proud to stand behind:

  • GlyMed Plus – This line offers pharmaceutical-grade skincare solutions with a focus on results. Their products are made with pure, potent ingredients to help improve the appearance of acne, hyperpigmentation, and aging skin.
  • Hale & Hush – If you have sensitive skin, this line is for you. Their products are free from common allergens and irritants, making them perfect for those with rosacea, eczema, and other sensitizing skin conditions.

Visiting an esthetician for acne treatment can provide numerous benefits, including personalized recommendations, specialized treatment, and affordability. Our team at Estie Co is here to help you achieve clearer and healthier skin, and we’re proud to offer a range of treatment options and product lines to fit your unique needs. Don’t let acne hold you back from feeling confident and beautiful – let us help you put your best face forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding visiting an esthetician for acne treatment:

What can I expect during my first esthetician appointment for acne treatment?

During your first appointment, your esthetician will examine your skin and discuss your concerns and goals for treatment. They will then recommend a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Can visiting an esthetician really improve the appearance of my acne?

Yes! Estheticians offer specialized treatments that can unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and prevent future breakouts, which can all lead to a clearer and healthier complexion.

How often should I visit an esthetician for acne treatment?

This depends on your individual skincare needs and concerns. Your esthetician will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan and recommend the appropriate frequency of visits.

Is acne treatment from an esthetician more affordable than going to a dermatologist or using over-the-counter products?

Yes! Acne treatment from an esthetician is often more affordable than visiting a dermatologist or using OTC products. Estheticians can provide personalized recommendations and offer specialized treatments that can be more effective in improving the appearance of acne.

Are there any holistic treatment options that estheticians offer for acne treatment?

Yes! Estheticians take a holistic approach to skincare and can offer guidance on how lifestyle factors such as nutrition, stress, and sleep patterns can impact your skin health. Estheticians can provide recommendations for products and treatments that can help improve the appearance of acne while addressing these lifestyle factors.
